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About Us

Bringing the power of data to everyone

While working in large tech companies whose data was once a source of envy, our founder watched as amassing large amounts of data became cheap and available to everyone.

Was the "secret sauce" now in everyone's hands? No. Simply having data is often more pain than gain. Most companies struggle to turn what they believe to be a precious resources into useful insights and accelerated growth.

This is why Hypergrowth Data was started. To help product and growth-focussed teams use the data they have in a way that lands real impact.

Profile picture of Hypergrowth Data's founder, Simon Jackson

Hypergrowth Data's founder and Principal Consultant, Simon Jackson

Our clients

We work with companies and teams who have data, recognize its value, but need a partner to bridge the gap between raw data and actionable insights. We are a particularly good fit for clients who have:

  • Established data warehouses storing historical data readily accessible for analysis.

  • Small/new data teams or no data team at all.

  • Digital products (e.g., e-commerce, social media, cloud-based design software) with a large user base.

  • A large gap between the value they get from data and what they need from it.

How we work

We are not a technology partner trying to sell you into a specific tool. In fact, our clients usually already have data tools.

We're not your typical consultants who will give you a visionary idea that you're left to hopelessly execute on.

We are pragmatic partners. Because, at the end of the day, we want you to get value from your data.

Think of us like hiring your own world-class data expert to guide your team and shortcut their path to effective data use.

You can expect us to:

  • Focus on your business problems and objectives as anchors for what to do with data

  • Have deep technical expertise but the unique ability to still work and communicate effectively with anyone

  • Be practical, tailoring our advice to your business, people, and other unique aspects.

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